Veracity is a VAD of Oracle for 15 years, we provide licensing services and professional services experts that provide the most effective solutions with lower cost for your architecture and use case needs on-premise and on the cloud.
About Oracle
A global provider of enterprise cloud computing. Oracle provides leading-edge capabilities in software as a service, platform as a service, infrastructure as a service, and data as a service.

Veracity is a VAD of MySQL for the past 6 years. we provide licensing services and professional services experts that provide the most effective solutions with lower cost for your architecture and use case needs on premise and on cloud.
About MySQL
MySQL is the #1 open source database for Web-based applications, used by Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and virtually all the largest Web properties and successful startups.
MySQL saves companies time and money powering high-volume Web sites, business-critical systems and packaged software.

Veracity is a reseller of Cloudera, we have a professional services and licensing services that provide the most effective solution for your architecture and use case needs.
About Cloudera
Cloudera is #1 open source engine for Hadoop technology.
Cloudera makes it:
• Fast for business
• Easy to manage
• Secure without compromise

Veracity is a reseller of LucidWorks – The platform provides Big Data search solutions that enable your company to get the right data to the right person at the right time.
About LucidWorks
LucidWorks makes one of the advanced platforms in the world that brings together your users and your data. A highly scalable search engine and NoSQL datastore that gives you instant access to all your data.

Highly scalable search
engine and NoSQL datastore.

Superior relevancy with machine learning,
and artificial intelligence.
Quickly create bespoke data
applications for web and mobile.
6 Hahilzon St.Ramat Gan
Tel: +972-3-6142199
Fax: +972-3-5426414

2018 by Veracity Ltd.